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Simon Rashleigh

Simon Rashleigh is a former Australian record company middle management and marketing person for CBS Records International / Sony Music Entertainment and Festival Records. He is currently a Music Management Consultant, Marketer, Digital Media Producer and Social Media entrepreneur. He is also a qualified film editor on AVID systems and has a Masters Degree in Marketing from Monash University with distinctions.

Simon is the founder and chief administrator of Ye Olde Networks which is a professional social media networking organization within the Music, Film and Television, Performing Arts, Advertising and Marketing and Consumer Electronics industry sectors in Australasia, North America, Europe and Asia. His continually growing network exceeded 10,000 professional members by December of 2011 and he has recently announced that his own Ye Olde social media platform is in development to cater for more interaction amongst his members.

His initial Social Media networking project 'Ye Olde Record Companyarians' has over 6000 music industry professionals across Australia, America and The UK. His next most popular social media networks include 'Ye Olde Film Industrians' which covers the film and TV industry in Australasia, America and Europe. Then comes (in popularity) his three performing arts sites 'Classical Music Australia' , 'Classical Music Europa' and 'Classical Music America' which caters to Classical Music and Opera professionals in these territories. 'Ye Olde Adlandteans' is next in popularity which cover the advertising, marketing and design industries in Australasia, America and Europe, and his 'Consumer Electronics' social media groups in Asia, Europe, America and Australasia are just getting established. The Ye Olde networking groups are mainly concentrated on Facebook but also have collective group profiles on other social media entities such as LinkedIn, My Space, Twitter, Who Tune, ReverbNation, Vimeo and SoundCloud.

In February 2013, Simon finally unveiled his main music industry site called Music Industrapedia, a global music industry directory and encyclopedia. Music Industrapedia was created as community wiki based encyclopedia for the global music industry community. 25 months were spent working full time to get the basic infrastructure in place and at the time of launch, Music Industrapedia had over 8,500 pages across its 30 music industry categories for every country and territory in the world.

Simon's interests as a Wikipedia contributor include Music, Film, Television, Radio, The Performing Arts, Australian Writers & Literature, Advertising and Marketing, Social Media and New Media as well as the industries associated with all these areas.

This user comes from Australia.