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My name is Maxime Henrion, and I'm a software developer working in France, particularly interested in open source software. I'm an active committer for the FreeBSD project, working mainly on the kernel and part of the release engineering team. I've been recently working on a rewrite of the CVSup software in C (originally written in Modula-3) called csup.

Besides my obvious interests in computer science, I'm a big fan of books from authors such as Tolkien, Isaac Asimov or Douglas Adams. I'm also a big fan of movies from Stanley Kubrick, Quentin Tarantino and Terry Gilliam, just to name a few.

A few links that may be of some use to people reading this :

Laothoe populi
Laothoe populi, the poplar hawk-moth, is a moth of the family Sphingidae. The species is found throughout the Palearctic realm and the Near East, and is one of the most common members of the family in the region. On first hatching, the larvae are pale green with small yellow tubercules and a cream-coloured tail horn, at which point they are known as hornworms. They later develop yellow diagonal stripes on the sides, and pink spiracles. This photograph, taken in Saint-Quentin-en-Tourmont, France, shows a late instar of L. populi.Photograph credit: Charles J. Sharp