User:Marvin Altner

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Marvin Altner studied art history, German philology, and psychology in Göttingen and Berlin, and earned his doctorate at the Freie Universität Berlin in 2002 with Prof. Dr. Thomas W. Gaehtgens for the dissertation: “Hans Bellmer: Die Spiele der Puppe. Zu den Puppendarstellungen in der Bildenden Kunst von 1914–1938” (Hans Bellmer: Games with Dolls: On Depictions of Dolls in the Fine Arts, 1914–1938). He worked as a research assistant at the Hamburger Kunsthalle in 2003–2004, and was referee of the Visual Arts Department of the Hamburg Cultural Authority in 2005. Working as a freelance curator beginning in 2006, Marvin Altner has managed exhibitions for the Hamburger Kunsthalle and the Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten, has published on 20th century and contemporary art, and was active as a research associate at the Deutsches Historischen Museum and the Martin Gropius Bau in Berlin. In 2009–2015, he catalogued the graphic estate of Stephan von Huene, and has contributed since then to the documentation and presentation of the artist’s work. He has been a freelance assistant with the Andreas Felger Kulturstiftung in Berlin/Mössingen since 2013, and is a lecturer at the Kunsthochschule in Kassel.